Wednesday, March 9, 2011

JACTS Registration Forms

Student Name _______________________________                                                                                    Confidential Registration Page 1 of 3
School Director,
Rabbi Sara Shendelman

Registration 2010-2011

Student Information Please fill out a separate form for each child

Student’s Name _____________________________________________________________________ 
                                  Last                                              First                                  Hebrew?

Age ________ Date of Birth ____/____/____ Grade entering ______ School____________________

Student’s Address _______________________________City__________________ Zip____________

Home Telephone __________________________ Other Telephone __________________________

Child lives with Mother Father Other Please specify:

Parent/Guardian Information Please provide information for each adult child lives with, continue on back if necessary.

Name ______________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________                                             Name _______________________________
                Last                     First                      Hebrew                                                                                    Last                  First                               Hebrew

Home address if different from student                                                        Home address if different from student
________________________________                                                    ___________________________________
Home Phone _______________________                                                 Home Phone _______________________
Cell Phone_________________________                                                 Cell Phone____________________________
E-mail____________________________                                                  E-mail_______________________________
School information should be sent to:  Mother  Father  both  Other Guardian

Emergency Information
Please provide the name of a friend or relative who can be reached on Sunday if parent is Not available.
(Please be sure they have consented to act on your behalf)
Name_______________________________ Phone ________________________
Relationship to Child__________________________________________________
Name_______________________________ Phone ________________________
 Relationship to Child__________________________________________________

 Student Name _______________________________                                                                                    Confidential Registration Page 2 of 3
Publicity Release for Minors
We occasionally submit pictures of our activities for publication and/or post them on our website. Please tell us if we have your permission to publish pictures of your child(ren). As a matter of policy we DO NOT identify children by name.
_____ I hereby consent to the publication of photographs, video or quotes by my son/daughter in print or 
on the JACTS website for the school year 2010-2011. 

_____ No, I do not give my permission. 

Parent’s Signature:                                                                   Date 

Field Trip Permission Slip
We occasionally walk away from school grounds to nearby parks, recreation centers, etc. during class as part of the curriculum.
I give permission for my child _______________________ to accompany his/her class on field trips during the school year 2010/2011.

Parent’s Signature:                                                                       Date ____________________________

Additional Information
Does your child have any medical/ condition requiring special care?

If yes, please describe and indicate precautions needed and/or medications taken: _____________________________________

Does your child have any allergies, including FOOD ALLERGIES

If yes, please specify dangerous FOODS and indicate precautions needed:

Are there any learning or behavioral difficulties that we should be aware of? (Confidential) continue on back:
Please specify your goals for your child’s learning and participation at JACTs

Student Name _______________________________                                                                                    Confidential Registration Page 3 of 3

Chochmat HaLev membership?____________ Synagogue/Other Affiliation ________________
Any conversions or adoptions in your family? _________________
Has your child had any previous Jewish education? ____ if yes, indicate name of school and years attended

Enrollment Policy:
    There is a $50 registration fee which can be waived if payment is made all at once.
    Tuition:  Checks should be made payable to JACTS
    Sunday Class Aleph $500
    Sunday Class Bet $750
    B’Nei Mitzvah $1200
    Weekday Aleph/Bet TBD
      If paying full tuition will present a financial hardship, note the adjusted amount your family can pay for tuition. All adjustment requests are subject to both need and availability of funds.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

OUR 2010-2011 / 5770-2071 SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS!

We  look forward with joy to the beginning of our new school year.

Classes will be held on Sunday mornings, and Wednesdays afternoons.

Please call the director, Rabbi Sara Shendelman  to reserve a place and to discuss which class would be best for your child. Any questions are welcome.

There will two classes on Wednesdays, one for younger, one for older students.

Click here for 2010/2011 Registration forms
Classes begin September 14th and September 16th.